Library Library


Introducing the Library:

In recent years, the matter of development of physical and content structure of central library and getting close to today's world standards has been the focus of authorities' attention of institution and some useful steps has been taken in this regard.  Considering the increase in courses and educational degrees in university and development of research activities in all fields, the change and evolution in library and updating the services, environment, and resources in library are inevitable.

Shahab Danesh Institute Library is located on ground floor of the main building with 9453 volumes of books.

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Library Portal

Library Expert:  Mrs. Ramezani

Educational Degree:  Bachelor of Science

Phone Ex.:  207


Library Resources Statistics:

All Resources:  9453 volumes

Farsi Books:   8105 volumes

Latin Books:   410 volumes

Thesis:           8000 volumes

230 (Computer)

410 Latin 

8515 Professional Books                                                                              

180 (Electrical)

8105 Farsi                              

2338 (Computer)

2634 (Electrical)

721 (Civil)

1271 (Architecture)

384 (Accounting)

271 (Biomedical Eng.

206 (Industrial)

206 (Management)

74 (Mechanical)


Number of Students     4792

Number of books available in the Library on 1396-02-21

938 (General)

Number of all books                                                                                      

410 (Latin)

8515 (Professional)

8105 (Farsi)

Number of titles and records      4684


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Some of the available resources:

IEEE - Science Direct - Springer - Taylor & Francis Journals - Wiley online Library - IET Digital Library- Emerald Insight - JSTOR- Informs Journals Emerald Insight - AIP | Citation -