Presentation of Group Presentation of Group

Group of Power is one of the subsets of Electrical Engineering which has been teaching students in Associate, Bachelor, and Master degrees of different academic branches since 1385.  More than 200 students are admitted to this institute in different fields and degrees annually.

Power group is currently enrolling students in different fields of electrical engineering-power, Master degree – electrical engineering-planning and management of electrical energy systems, Master degree – electrical engineering-electronic-power and machines, Master degree – electrical engineering-power, non-continuous Bachelor degree – electrical technology engineering-power, non-continuous bachelor, electrical technology engineering-transmission and distribution, non-continuous bachelor – electro technic-industrial electrics, continuous associate degree, and electro technic-electrical utilities, continuous associate degree.  At present, there are 700 students studying in this group in university in different levels of education.

This group is proud to benefit experiences and knowledge of six full-time faculty members and more than 20 invited faculty members from selected university graduates in different academic branches.